Oil Gas and Drilling Company From 100K or $100,000Transportation Equipment Financing & LeasingBusiness Loan and commercial finance from 100KEquipment Financing(new or used equipment)Real Estate Transactions & Short-Term Capital From 100KAcquisitions and Leverage Buyouts From 100K
Company Name:
Phone Number
Full Address with zip:
Contact Name
* Email Address:
Cell Phone:
* Type of Application (Check One) AcquisitionsReal EstateWorking-CapitalTransportationBusiness LoanEquipment Financing
Years in Operation:
Nature of business:
Federal ID#
Primary Owner’s Name:
Percentage of ownership:
Home phone:
Full home address:
Other Owner’s Name (if applicable):
Give brief reason for the financial request:
Name of Bank:
Phone No.
Checking Number:
Loan # if Applicable:
I hereby certify the information given and contained in this application is true and accurate to the best of my knowledge. I further authorize all loan, borrowing or other account information to be given or made available to TRICONLEASING GROUP and or its assigns in processing this request for financing, all parties deemed to be held harmless in any judicial matter of inquiry or litigation thereto.
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